Science Fiction for Primary-Age Children (4)


Science fiction books are "based on extending physical laws and scientific principles to their logical outcomes, usually futuristic (Galda et al., 2017, p. 13)." When introduced to young children, many of these books become the foundation of their love for reading. Children explore the world around them with a new point of view that extends their ability to think outside of the box and become innovative thinkers. 

The Boy Who Crashed to Earth (Hilo, #1) by Judd Winick


Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth by Judd Winick is a great book to introduce primary-age students to the literary genre of science fiction. The main character, Hilo, fell from the sky and is unsure where he came from or what he is doing here. The plot follows a group of young children as they seek to discover who and what Hilo is (Winick & Major, 2017). 


This story is such a great way to introduce primary-age students to science fiction content. The detail in the book is consistent yet creative. The audience can form connections and ask questions about the world around them based on the new outlook from the book. The characters and story events are imaginative and act with logical behavior. Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth is considered an example of quality science fiction because it offers well-developed and thoughtful story elements. The illustrations in Hilo: The Boy Who Crashed to Earth help to establish a fun and entertaining theme. The colorful and cartoon illustrations express the excitement and enthusiasm met in the story. 


1. CREATE A COMICSTRIP- Encourage children to choose one event from the text and create a comicstrip retelling the story or developing an alternate ending. 

Blank Comic Strip Template | ELA Teaching Resources | Twinkl

2. ACT IT OUT- Children can use props found around the class to retell scenes from the book. They will use imaginative thinking as they use open-ended materials to fit the needs of the scene.

Acting Out Superhero Stories | FSP Kindergarten


1. If you found someone that fell from the sky what would you do next?

2. How would you feel if you were in an unfamiliar place? Why?

3. Where do you think Hilo is from?


1. Hilo: Saving the Whole Wide World

2. Hilo: The Great Big Boom

3. Hilo: Then Everything Went Wrong

4. Hilo: Waking the Monsters


Galda, L., Liang, L. A., & Cullinan, B. E. (2017). Literature and the child. Cengage Learning. 

Winick, J. (2017). Hilo. saving the whole wide world. Puffin Books. 

Winick, J. (2015). Hilo. the boy who crashed to Earth. Random House. 

Winick, J. (2017). Hilo. the great big room. Puffin Books. 

Winick, J. (2019). Hilo. then everything went wrong. Puffin Books. 

Winick, J. (2018). Hilo. waking the monster. Puffin Books. 
